Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Changes in Scheduling...

We were going to film the Panera scene today, but have decided to push all filming to next week. We felt like we were rushing to film this week when the entire story has not been 100% thought out. Next week we have more time to focus on it, and we need to finish the storyboard this week. We also are going to start planning out the website, and we already have an idea for the flyer. For the flyer, we are going to have a picture of Amber and the other half of her face will be the doll. We are going to use Photoshop to edit it because since last year I know more tools that we can use. The doll arrived on Monday night, and Taylor says it is definitely creepy. Its eyes move when you put it down, which is perfect for one of the scenes we are planning.

I have also been looking around my house to find the locations we discussed in our storyboard. Here are some pictures of the locations we are filming at my house:
Here is the answering machine we are using.

This is one of the hallways we can use for the close up shots of Amber.

When we film the Panera scene, we want food that looks very organized and perfect looking. We were not sure which meal at Panera will look the most neat, so I found images online of Panera food that has the look we talked about. 

I like how this is played out perfectly with the fork and knives, and how clean and neat it is.

I like how neat the salad looks and how the chicken is laid out.

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Here is my CCR: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IOIlxjlsULmqXLk-n8PPs72cXRU28yUn/view?usp=sharing