Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Production Decisions...

Here is more of the storyboard that we have completed:

My group discussed all the props we need to get before we start filming. We have decided to dye the doll's hair to brown because we don't know anyone with red hair to play the part of the kidnapped girl. My group has been arguing if the doll needs to look like the kidnapped girl, and have come to the conclusion that it is very important to the story. This is because we want to make sure the audience understands what is going on. We also have to find the same shade of green the doll is wearing. Another prop we need is rope to leave hints for the audience that Amber has kidnapped someone. We have discussed the end scene in more depth, and have decided that we are going to need fake blood for the scene. 

In the end scene, Amber is shaking the doll and yelling "Why won't you talk to me?!" Amber grabs the knife next to her and continues to scream at the doll "Talk to me! Talk to me!" She then proceeds to stab the doll, and the scene cuts to the girl she kidnapped in shock holding the stab wound with blood pouring out.

We want the end scene to be dramatic, and tie in our main idea of how loneliness has driven our main character to do something pretty crazy.

While looking for good music, Taylor found a creepy song that we want to use, but are unsure if we can because of rights issues. Here is the link to the song:

We think it will work well in the montage scenes of Amber doing daily activities with the doll. We need to look for more music, especially for the pivotal end scene. We also need to make sure we have lots of sound elements during the montage scene.

We are excited and ready to film next week!

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