Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Flyer Research

I am researching conventions and layouts that a film festival flyer has. On this website, I found helpful information on what a flyer typically has on it. Here is the information I found most helpful:

This website was very useful because it listed what specific information to include, and even added visual examples to make it even more clear.

I have also been looking at different layouts that I like so we have different options to choose from. Here are some layouts I like and some I didn't:

Postcard - front
I like the layout because it highlights the image and the subject. I don't like how there are a lot of different fonts because I think there are too many. The font choice for the title of the movie is very engaging and interesting.
Image result for film festival postcard short film
I like the image because it is very evocative, but I don't like how the awards are on the front. I would have liked it better if they just left the director and title with the image.
Related image
I like the colors and text. I also like how they included a tagline from the film. I don't like the gray box at the bottom. If they had just left the picture normally without the gray or put that information on the back it would look better.

Image result for film festival postcard short film
(Back of the first flyer) I like this layout because it is very easy to read. Everything is spaced out in a cohesive way. I also like the added touch of the QR code, and I think I want to include that in my flyer. I don't like the color of the flyer, or how small the contact information is.

kavyamediastudiesa2. “A2 Media – Short Film.” A2 Media Short Film,

Quincy Woo. “Us. Them. Me. at the Oregon Independent Film Festival.” Quincy Woo, Quincy Woo, 3 Sept. 2017,

Biscuit. “Julien Dubuque International Film Festival - Iowa.” Written Off, Written Off, 19 Apr. 2017,

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