Monday, February 25, 2019

Brainstorming Story Ideas

After talking with Joanne and Taylor today, we have discussed different plot ideas and what the main conflict will be. We are still set on the idea of a thriller, but want it to have a deeper meaning instead of it just being a film about some creature trying to kill the characters. We like the idea of how Get Out is a social thriller, and have come up with some ideas similar to it. 

We were thinking of having the story be about having someone you trust and love betray you and basically turn into a totally different person. We thought back to the film Halloween (2018), where Michael kills his sister. This is an example of when someone you completely trust turns into someone else. So we have different ideas of having either someone's twin or parents or significant other be the person who the main character realizes isn't trusted. 

Image result for halloween 2018

Another idea that we are brainstorming is having the main character have trust issues or anxiety and are possibly hallucinating specific plot details so the audience doesn't know what is going on until the end. This is like the thriller The Girl on the Train where the audience has no idea which partner is abusing the other until the end where it is revealed. Of course with this idea we could also leave clues to the audience about what the ending is. 

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In the next blog post, we are going to make a movie summary which will have a concrete story. We have also discussed that we are going to film our project the weekend of March 15-17 to make sure we have plenty of post-production time. This week, we are also going to talk more about the characters and make a schedule of when to write scripts, location scout, storyboard, etc.

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